Force Field Analysis: An Overview

  1. Organizational Change Theory
  2. Organizational Change Theories
  3. Force Field Analysis

Force Field Analysis is a powerful tool for understanding the forces that shape and drive organizational change. It is an essential part of any organizational change theory and can help organizations to identify, analyze, and respond to the forces that influence their success. In this article, we'll provide an overview of Force Field Analysis and discuss how it can be used to better manage organizational change. Force Field Analysis is a strategic tool that examines the balance of forces between opposing forces in a given situation.

It helps to identify the driving and restraining forces that influence an organization's ability to achieve its goals. It also provides an opportunity to assess the effectiveness of existing strategies and to identify areas where changes may be needed to achieve desired objectives. Force Field Analysis is a tool that helps organizations identify and manage resistance to change. It was originally developed by American psychologist Kurt Lewin in the 1940s, and has since been widely adopted as an effective tool for managing organizational change. The basic premise of Force Field Analysis is that any change initiative involves both forces that drive the change (known as 'driving forces') and those that oppose it (known as 'restraining forces').

By understanding both of these forces, organizations can better manage their change initiatives and ensure their success. To use Force Field Analysis, organizations first need to identify the driving and restraining forces at play. This can be done through interviews with stakeholders, surveys, or other research methods. Once these forces have been identified, organizations can then determine which ones are more powerful and have the greatest influence on the change initiative. This allows them to focus their efforts on those forces that have the most impact on the success of the initiative. Once the driving and restraining forces have been identified, organizations can then take steps to manage them.

For example, they can focus their efforts on strengthening the driving forces while reducing the impact of the restraining forces. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as education, communication, incentives, or other strategies. Additionally, organizations can also use Force Field Analysis to predict how changes in external factors may affect their initiative. Finally, Force Field Analysis can also be used to assess the progress of a change initiative over time. By regularly tracking and evaluating both the driving and restraining forces at play, organizations can monitor their progress and make adjustments as necessary.

This allows them to effectively manage their initiatives and ensure their success.


Force Field Analysis is a powerful tool for organizations looking to successfully manage their change initiatives. By understanding both the driving and restraining forces at play, they can take steps to strengthen the former while reducing the impact of the latter. Additionally, Force Field Analysis allows them to better predict how changes in external factors may affect their initiatives, as well as monitor their progress over time.

Benefits of Force Field Analysis

Improved Understanding: Force Field Analysis helps organizations gain a better understanding of the forces driving and opposing change, which allows them to make more informed decisions about how to best manage their initiatives.

Reduced Resistance:

By understanding the restraining forces at play, organizations can take steps to reduce their impact and minimize resistance to change.

Predictable Results: By regularly tracking and evaluating both the driving and restraining forces at play, organizations can better predict the outcome of their initiatives. In conclusion, Force Field Analysis is an effective tool for organizations looking to successfully manage their change initiatives. Additionally, Force Field Analysis allows them to better predict how changes in external factors may affect their initiatives, as well as monitor their progress over time. Organizations that understand and successfully utilize Force Field Analysis are better prepared to manage change and make informed decisions about their initiatives. With this knowledge, they can develop effective strategies to drive positive outcomes and increase their chances of success.

Ryan Mcwhinnie
Ryan Mcwhinnie

Incurable pop cultureaholic. Subtly charming twitter nerd. Subtly charming pop culture ninja. Typical pop culture buff. Professional music guru.

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